Golf is a Game of Ups and Downs


Golf really was an up and down game for us today!  And I don't mean just the score -- I really mean the course.  We have seen hilly courses before but we maybe never saw one like this one. The hills may have been enough, but then the fairways were narrow and sloped into and away from the hills. We lost more than a few golf balls today -- know Marie lost more than one sleeve; Vic "a few" more than that! Many of those ;lost were Christmas gifts which said "if lost return to Vic or Marie Arnold". So we may be hearing from some Wisconsin golfers in the future.

The trees were huge and water and marshland were plentiful  But the course was spectacular and people working so nice.  Temperature was in the 70's and sun was shining. We truly had a fun time today. Going to try it again tomorrow before we head north once again.

Wisconsin wildlife: wild turkeys

We congratulated ourselves and decided to celebrate with a cold beer. Believe it or not, in norther Wisconsin we had to drive several miles to find a corner bar!  That too turned out to be well worth the bother as we happened into the local bar in Drummond and had some really great conversations with the woman tending bar as well as with several local patrons who frequent the place many afternoons.  We're back at our resort watching the sun go down on the lake. So peaceful. All in all a delightful day!!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip. Looking forward to reading more. Keep having fun. Miss you


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