Cranes and Lakes; Then more Cornfields


from the cornfield

another surprise from the cornfield
at Field of Dreams

This was a special cornfield we visited today! This place really is a beautiful place and some feeling of mystic is encouraged as well as actually felt. This midwest land is all corn and soybean fields. It is almost impossible to describe how overpowering the cornfields and soybean fields become. Anywhere we have driven for days in Wisconsin and Iowa is either a town or fields of crops for as far as one can see. The land is somewhat rolling hills and the fields go up and down those hills. They appear both healthy and extremely well tended with classic outbuildings and houses. The vistas can be breathtaking.

And in the middle of it all sits the Field of Dreams. We had just seen some video from the very recent game between the White Sox and Yankees, featuring Kevin Costner of course, to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the making of the picture. We could not get into the field actually used for the game; this field is the site of the movie. There were quite a few people who had managed to find this place; many felt the need to try to pitch and/or run the bases (as did we!) and virtually all felt the strong pull to come through the corn onto the field. All just walked around the beautiful grounds soaking up sunshine and ambiance, One person who worked there told us it is a great to place to work because all visitors are smiling and in good moods.

Vic on the way to gift shop
from the movie

So today was for driving through cornfields to find the Field of Dreams. Yesterday was for driving through more cornfields up to Baraboo WI to visit a research and breeding facility for cranes -- cranes from the US and cranes from many other parts of the world. This was a fascinating place. Species are separated into separate fenced habitat and then free to roam and hopefully breed. Some species are more endangered than others; all are interesting to learn about.

Whooping crane

Siberian crane fishing

Gold crested black crane

Sandhill crane

Blue cranes

We had a wonderful visit with friends, Sandy & George Huber on Sunday night and Monday, Labor Day. Spent the whole morning Monday just catching up and gabbing; then headed to Baraboo and the crane sanctuary in the afternoon. Headed back to Madison for dinner at one marina and then headed to another on Lake Mendota to see Huber's new boat. Still had much to discuss and talk about way past all our usual bedtimes for the second day in a row. 

Left their place  this morning, Tuesday, and headed for the Shullsburg area in far southwest WI. The weather was threatening with dark, dark skies and heavy rain which thankfully lasted only about 10 minutes. The rest of the day was beautiful sunshine and cool temps once more. First stop: a most important one at Roeli Dairy for super fresh cheese curds made this morning. This is not our first time to this dairy just south of Darlington and west of Gratiot -- always dependable!  From there, as usual, we went to the Shullsburg cemetery for yet a bit more remembrance of time spent in this area and people we loved who lived here. The cemetery looked like the last time we visited a few years ago. The town also had not changed much and people were still busy visiting with one another downtown. That is a wonderful feeling! 

Then more driving through cornfields!! We are in West Des Moines tonight. Tomorrow we'll head straight south and be in Austin by Thursday evening. What a special trip this has been!



  1. Your trip sounds fabulous. Love reading all about it. All is well here in Steamboat. We have two more concerts to attend. They all have been very enjoyable so far. Ann and her sig. other are coming next week to help us complete a very enjoyable summer. The leaves are changing color making this a special time of year to be here.. The weather is nice, not hot and not cold. Just perfect. So except for missing you all is well. Barbara spent a few days with us last week. Nice having her. She is well, moving to a new apt. shortly. Claims the area she now lives in has become very seedy. Keep having fun and we will continue reading and enjoying your posts. Kari and Buddy plan to come in Feb. They hope, as well as we that you will be able to come to the yearly dinner party. Will give you more information after we see them for Thanksgiving. Keep enjoying. With love J.C..


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